Bob Tanner wrote:

> Quoting Perry Hoekstra (dutchman at
>>Hello all,
>>I have a question concerning calling a shell script from Java through 
>>the exec method.  My problem is passing multiple values as a single 
>>variable.  Example
>>Process t_process = t_runtime.exec("webcopy 'file1.html file2.html'");
>>I want both files sent through to the $1 arg in my webcopy shell script. 
>>  However, when webcopy is invoked, file1.html is passed through the $1 
>>arg and file2.html is passed in the $2 arg because of the space.  I have 
>>tried both single and double quotes.  Is there any way to pass a space 
>>delimited string as a single arguement?
> Process t_process = t_runtime.exec("webcopy 'file1.html\ file2.html'");
> Escaping the space?

Troy Johnson suggested that and I tried it but there was no joy ...

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services
perry.hoekstra at