   Saturday, November 2nd, 2002
   Noon - 2pm

   Automating your home entertainment system with Linux. Presented by
   Karl Bongers

   Look Ma, no hands! Learn how to drive your computer with a hand
   held remote control, or how to control your stereo, VCR or TV with
   your computer.

   Untap the secrets of the couch potatoe universe.

   Learn the gory details of running LIRC (Linux Infrared Remote
   Control, http://www.lirc.org) software to drive musac and video

   Find out about home-brew electronic circuits and off the shelf
   hardware to interface your computer with IR remote control.

   University of Minnesota
   Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Building
   Room EE-CS 3-180
   MAP here: http://onestop.umn.edu/Maps/EECSci/index.html

   The Washington Ave. parking ramp is across the street from the
   EE/CS building. This is usually your best bet unless there is a
   sporting event going on.

Hope to see you there!